Tuesday 21 January 2014


Last week I was lucky enough to get to spend in the beautiful mountain village of Val-d'Isere. It is a Ski resort by Winter and hiking destination and general 'breath-taking scenery' spot by Summer. For those of you who do ski (or snowboard) I would highly recommend it. The people are friendly, the food is great and the skiing is amazing. The town, however, is a trip in itself. These pictures by no means do it justice. It almost looks like a drawing- all the snow peaked log cabins, snow sculptures, cosy looking Inns serving 'chocolat chaud'. It almost made me giddy how festive it looks, and this was in the middle of January. I found myself walking around this pretty town marveling at the people in it. There is the skiied-all-my-life-will-die-skiing types with their weathered faces and perma-tans, and there is the skii bunny women who only go to the alpes to show off the furs and moonboots they can afford. It is hilarious really. Not in a mean way. I left the Alpes hoping to one day come out here and work for/with these people. Val-d'Isere has that influence on you. 
Photo from here

Photo from here

          Enough said.
