Monday 24 February 2014

What I love: Cameron Russell

I can't remember the last time someone made such a huge impression on me. After watching Cameron's TED talk, I was hooked. Here's why...

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For someone in an industry as superficial and inclusive as high fashion, to be so outspoken about the darker side of it, is rare to find. Scouted at the age of 15, Cameron Russell never really say. Photographers and stylists found her 'annoying' to work with because at age 16 her views on wearing fur or posing nude were strong and often she would refuse. In her talk she says that models are 'some of the most insecure girls in the world'. This and along with some other stand-out statements got her noticed. The talk had the opposite effect than she feared it would. To stand in front of hundreds and broadcasts to later millions, her controversial views on the world that had treated her so well would surely not go down without a fight? Actually no. People loved her openness about it all. The talk if anything, boosted her modelling career.
Apart from being a supermodel and giving a talk that would later get 2 million+ views on youtube, Cameron owns her own magazine and is attending further schooling to have a degree in politics and economics. It almost sounds like a joke I know, for someone to be that perfect. Her online magazine aims to 'offer a platform for women's issues and media criticism. To be her best friend.
