Saturday 3 August 2013

Five Favourites- July

  1.   Sweet frog - Frozen Yogurt has been my savior recently. I swear, this stuff will one day take over the world.
  2. Warm Weather- Not - having - to - wear - a - coat - outside - warm.
  3. Walking Bare foot along the beach.
  4. Sea Food
  5. Pretty Little Liars - I have literally been hooked.
  1.  Eleanor Hardwick Photography
  2. The Little Deer Online Boutique
  3. Nylon Magazine Online
  4. Kyla La Grange Music
  5. The Civil Wars Billie Jean Cover

  1.  The Mad Hatter's Journal
  2. Velvet Nature
  3. Thoughts of a Bluebell
  4. What Olivia Did...
  5. WishWishWish

I got this lovely idea for a blog post from the ever fabulous A Rosie Outlook , so full credit goes to her :)



  1. Eilidh you cutie! :) and I hope frozen yoghurt does take over the world one day xx
